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The Power of Data: Exploring Architectural Language

The Power of Data is a virtual exhibition that explores the intersection of architecture, artificial intelligence, and data. The exhibition is set within a virtual building that has been created using three-dimensional geometries generated by various AI algorithms. The project was developed by the OLA (Online Lab of Architecture) team of research architects, which is made up of Jennifer Durand from Peru, Daniel Escobar from Colombia, Claudia Garcia from Spain, Giovanna Pillaca from Peru, and Jose Luis Vintimilla from Ecuador.

© Online Lab of Architecture (OLA)

The team used cutting-edge technology to design the virtual building, which serves as a showcase for the potential of AI in architecture. Visitors to the exhibition can explore the virtual building and learn about the different algorithms and techniques used in its creation, as well as the potential implications of AI in architecture and design more broadly. The project aims to demonstrate the power of data and AI in the field of architecture and to inspire new ways of thinking about the design and construction of buildings.


The Power of Data project is a deep dive into the growing influence and invisibility of data and social networks in our daily lives. The project raises important questions about who holds the power of data, where data is stored, and whether individuals are in control of the information they share. These questions serve as the foundation for the project and its exploration of the potential power of social networks.

© Online Lab of Architecture (OLA)

The project is based on the assumption that social networks have grown in popularity due to the human need to communicate and socialize with others. The project aims to explore the relationship between people's "physical self" and "virtual self" and how data and social networks play a role in this dynamic.

To achieve this, the team behind the project uses machine learning technologies and software that enable the coding, processing, and utilization of information from real social networks. The goal is to transform data from an intangible state into a generated virtual architecture. This methodology allows the team to represent data in a physical form, making it more tangible and relatable for audiences. Through this process, the project examines the potential power of data, and the impact it has on individuals and society as a whole.


The Power of Data is a unique and immersive experience that allows multiple users to connect in the virtual space simultaneously. The project is designed to be interactive, and the team behind it carried out an in-depth study of the spaces, sounds, lighting, dynamic textures, and types of routes that would enhance the sensations and interactions between the user and the building.

The project begins with the collection of data that will be used in the artificial intelligence algorithms. This data is gathered from various social media profiles, which are then analyzed to create the virtual architecture. Four Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms are used to generate the virtual building: Cyclegan, Stylegan, Resnet, and VQGAN + CLIP.

© Online Lab of Architecture (OLA)

Cyclegan is used to transform the data from one domain to another, for example, converting a picture of a landscape into a portrait. Style is used to generate new images from a dataset of existing images, it helps to create new virtual spaces. Reset is used for image recognition and classification, it helps to identify different objects in the virtual space. VQGAN + CLIP is used for image compression and generation, it helps to reduce the size of data and improve the performance of the virtual space.

The combination of these algorithms allows for the creation of a dynamic and engaging virtual architecture that is constantly changing and evolving as the data is processed. The project aims to create a unique and immersive experience that allows visitors to explore the virtual building and learn about the potential power of data and AI in the field of architecture.

© Online Lab of Architecture (OLA)

The end product of the project is a virtual building created using data and coding processes in various design and 3D modeling programs. The building, a tower, features a structural grid, data vectors that run throughout it, thermal insulation, and a 3D-printed graphene structure. Additionally, five interactive sculptures were created that transform the information collected from social networks into geometric forms, providing a visual representation of the data. To enhance the interactive experience, lifts, teleporters, and musical instruments were incorporated as interactive components.


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